Category: role-playing

  • Cursed Items in D&D: Why I don’t like them; how I intend to use them differently

    I’m no historian of D&D, but it seems to me that cursed items as written are a relic of what I like to call the Jerk Age of D&D. Early in the game, the relationship between dungeon master and players was antagonistic. The role of the DM was to throw obstacles in the PCs’ path,…

  • Jauf, human fighter

    Jauf, human fighter

    Just Another Uninteresting Fighter I’m steadily making spare characters for D&D 5e, partly to help me gain insight into game mechanics while I work on my Musketeers-inspired campaign, but mostly because it’s a fun exercise. I don’t usually do fighters so I thought it was time to give it a try. I’l say this: D&D…

  • Marvek, halfling warlock

    Marvek, halfling warlock

    This is Marvek, my second D&D character. (It’s for a one-shot, so don’t worry — Jeribon is still alive and well.) Warlocks are a new class — new to me, at least, as they weren’t in AD&D. They’re an odd type of spellcaster, who has few slots but recharges quickly. I have a custom character…

  • Jeribon


    Update 2019 May 8: Here’s Jeribon’s 3rd-level character sheet. I’m getting back into D&D, hopefully, and I’m starting with Jeribon, a gnomish rogue. In the best traditions of the Internet, I’ve just stolen this image (from ) until I can figure out one for myself. Backstory Jeribon was a young gnome at the time…