Week 10 in the Program

Weight this week | Change since last week | Total change
318.0 | -0.8 | -50.4
Blood Pressure | Systolic | Diastolic
* | 112 | 84

Well, this is the week I plateaued. I can feel a little proud because I broke the 50-lb barrier (barely!) but it is by far the worst week I’ve had in the program. Without making excuses, I think it owes to the end-of-the-world cold I had from Tuesday night through, well, today. It made me really reluctant to get out and do physical activity (I fell maybe 300 calories short of my usual) and it led me to eat far too many of the BenefitBars. My main excuse (besides self-indulgence) is that virtually none of the HMR food is solid, and when I have a throat full of gunk, it’s nice to have something to scrape it clean.

Being on residential duty didn’t help, either, because it bolluxed my schedule and my eating times. This isn’t to say that I couldn’t have done better, but I didn’t come through. Next time on duty I’m going to have to pay more attention. But at least I stayed “within the box” the whole week, which is some element of discipline.

Looking over my numbers, I realize that my blood pressure has settled down but still fluctuates — and I have no idea why the two don’t track. Sometimes systolic is up and diastolic is down; sometimes the reverse. I’ll need to get a model for that or it’ll bug me.
